Friday, May 4, 2007

From my heart................

You are all I had…………………….
Filling up my life with eternal bliss
Or making me tremble with an occasional kiss
Giving me a reason to laugh out loud.

You are all I wished………….
Holding my hand and leading me
Through the dark alleys when I couldn’t see
A purpose to go on in life.

You are all I hoped……….
Leading me into the world of fantasy
Where my heart shouted out with ecstasy
Only to cruelly wake me up from my dreams.

You are all I wanted………………
Loving me with all your passion
Showering on me so much attention
But alas all were false show after all.

I still can’t believe those times are gone
Gone is the voice that was my lucky charm
Gone are those arms that kept me warm
And now in this world I am left alone…………..

This is dedicated to the person who made me believe in Love and then shattered my belief...............


Zoso said...

Well written!!!

storyteller said...

beautifully written...hope you keep cumin up wit stf as good as dis alwys...

Unknown said...

u wite very well sim...continue 2 pen down ur thotz in 4m of poemz....

little boxes said...

heart break...
we all go through it!!
but dont worry...u will live
we all do

Neel said...

well well well...get out of the misconception that it was love.It was just an experience of something nice that was momentary and left you in tears. and when that's the case it's never love. It's a regular feeling that every other person feels or has felt at some point of time. Love is a different ball game. It's rare, but it's there. It's rarely that one can find true love an dhold on to it. And as human beings no matter how hard we try we can never stop believing in love.

Achluophobia said...

Simantini take heart from 2 things:
a) Thank God it was two months and not two years
b) He is not worth your tears. Someone used to tell me that those worth crying for will never make you cry, and I so respected that person for introducing me to such truth.

weevil girl said...

aww this was so beauteeful